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The College of Arts & Letters provides this list of agencies that have agreed to make internship opportunities available as a convenience to its students; the exact number and type of openings changes quickly. If the information you find here is out of date, or the position has been filled, we suggest following up with the agency directly to pursue more current opportunities.
Please note: Most internships are advanced openings for which special skills and/or preparation in specific academic courses are expected. Opportunities for students who are just beginning communication courses are usually not available. Opportunities marked paid below were specifically marked as such, and does not imply that other listed positions are not. Do your due diligence in researching the right internship for you.
Opportunities in History
Graduate / Teaching / Instructional Assistant in History
All History graduate students who are making satisfactory progress toward their degree may apply for a paid position as a grader to assist with high-enrollment, lower-division survey and upper-division lecture courses (usually Hist 17A, 17B, 4, 5, 6, 7, 50, 51, 111, 112, 162, 167, 177, 182, or 183B). The History Department puts out a call for grader applications around the middle of the preceding semester via HGRAD-L and CAMPEE-L.
To apply, please complete and return the following forms:
- History Department Employment Application
- Graduate Assistant (GA) / Teaching Associate (TA) Application
- Instructional Student Assistant (ISA) Application
NCIC Internships
Paid internships in the Folsom Hall office of the North Central Information Center (NCIC) are available to students on a semester-by-semester basis and may count for academic credit, depending upon the student's academic program. Interns typically assist staff in processing incoming site records and reports into NCIC's portion of the CHRIS inventory; other activities include digitizing site records and reports, and providing quality-control of previously digitized materials. Students studying history, public history, anthropology, archaeology, geography, and environmental studies are encouraged to apply. Submit your resume to
Opportunities in Communication Studies
Internships are offered with the cooperation of participating community organizations for the purpose of providing new learning opportunities for students through directed observation and work activities.
Opportunities in English
The English department offers a number of internships every semester. Interns receive careful supervision by an Internship Mentor in the job setting and by the Faculty Internship Coordinator in the English Department. Students earn 3 units of upper-division or graduate credit, depending upon class standing. Internships provide opportunities to explore your chosen professional field. By learning and experiencing the day-to-day responsibilities and demands of the job, an internship will help you determine if the profession is indeed a good fit for you.
If interested in paid student worker positions please visit our Department's employment page.
English Internships
- 195A/410A: Writing Center Theory and Practice Internships - Sign up for this course and become a University Reading and Writing Center tutor. The course will provide you with strategies for conducting one-to-one tutorials with CSUS students on their writing. We will examine writing center theory and research in light of your experiences as a tutor. Students will tutor five hours a week in the University Reading and Writing Center, and will be able to choose their hours.
- 195C/410C: Internship in Fieldwork - Refer to current course description booklet for availability and coordinator information.
- 195W/410W: Writing Programs Internship - Students will work with a Composition faculty member to complete a project for the campus writing programs. The internship may involve the composition program, the University Reading and Writing Center, the Graduation Writing Assessment Requirement, or the Writing Across the Curriculum Program. Students should contact the appropriate coordinator to register for the course and design a project.
English Internship Forms
Opportunities for Art Majors
Each semester the Art Department hires students to work in the Kadema Hall galleries, the Art Sculpture Lab, the New Media Labs, the Ceramics studio and as graders for large art history lecture classes. Upper division and graduate students are encouraged to apply. Hiring, subject to funding, criteria varies with each type of job and are summarized in the job descriptions.
Begin the application process by using the ASI application online via the Hornet Career Connection in My Sac State
Opportunities for Philosophy Majors
Philosophy 195 is a student internship course that allows Philosophy majors to earn upper-division credit for working a job in which philosophical issues are raised. Students work under the supervision of a faculty member. Talk to any faculty advisor if you are interested in pursuing an internship.
The Philosophy Department also has several openings for paid Instructional Student Assistants during fall and spring semesters. Duties may include, though are not limited to, assisting with classroom management, grading, peer mentoring and support, tutoring, etc. for upper- or lower division courses. Download application, then submit to Positions open until filled.